
In 2023, as part of our Council's "Celebrate the Gift of Life" campaign, we made $22,130 in donations to following charities:

Since the founding of our Council, we have supported numerous charities throughout the years by fundraising for “Operation LAMB” the sole mission of which is to support those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

Over the 20 years our Council has been raising money for LAMB, our Council has raised over $1,000,000 through Tootsie Roll® drives, various fundraisers, and individual and corporate donations.

"The LAMB Foundation of NC is a public 501(c)3 not-for-profit charity dedicated solely to assisting people who have intellectual disabilities within the state of North Carolina. Our organization is composed entirely of volunteers. As a result, 93% of the funds we raise directly goes to programs that support people with intellectual disabilities."

Come spend an hour or two with a Brother or with your family collecting donations to help the intellectually disabled!

If you would like to make a donation to LAMB on behalf of our Council, please click on this link.

Respecting and affirming life from the moment of conception, MiraVia is a safe haven and source of hope for pregnant mothers and their children.

When a young woman faces an unexpected pregnancy, fears and challenges can seem overwhelming. MiraVia offers pregnant women a way forward through material and emotional support. 

For more information, please click on this link.

St. Matthew Special Needs Faith Formation

This ministry of St. Matthew consists of two groups. 

Our Council has supported Special Needs programs in our church for going on 20 years.

For more information, please click on this link.

Allegro teaches over 800 children with intellectual disabilities, Down syndrome, autism, orthopedic challenges (e.g. wheelchairs and walkers), spina bifida, cerebral palsy, learning disabilities, muscular dystrophy, visual and hearing impairments, children “at-risk”, and children living with cancer in FREE classes every week!

For more information, please click on this link.

Holy Angels, located in Belmont, NC, provides specialized, round-the-clock care for children and adults with intellectual developmental disabilities and delicate medical conditions. In an environment that fosters loving and compassionate care, opportunities for dignified living and innovative learning programs, they strive to empower those who are differently able.

For more information, please click on this link.  

Programs at GiGi’s Playhouse offer foundational learning opportunities for individuals with Down Syndrome, their families and the community.

GiGi’s Playhouse programs are a place for parents/caregivers to share ideas and network with one another. We invite caregivers to communicate their needs, questions and concerns with one another, and promote connections to be made in support of each other. GiGi’s programs embrace the family and help aid the development of a healthy, successful relationship between parents, individuals with Down syndrome and siblings.

For more information, please click on this link

Building the Foundation

Building the Ramp

Blessing of the Ramp